Dr François Delalande has been, since 1970, one of the most important names of the Musical Research Group (INA-GRM Paris), in which he was the director of the Science of Music Program.
Among his activities and intellectual interests, we should stress: electroacoustic music analysis and its theoretical extensions: musical theory in general; musical semiotics; hearing analysis; and birth and development of the child musical behaviour, musical pedagogy, emergence of musicality; its anthropological implications. In this field, he is considered one of the main artisans of a revival of musical pedagogy, oriented towards invention and creation since early childhood.
Prominent publications of Dr François Delalande include:
L'enfant du Sonore au Musical (avec B. Céleste et E. Dumaurier). Paris, Buchet-Chastel, 1982.
La Musique est un jeu d'enfant. Paris, Buchet-Chastel, 1984 (translated into spanish 1995 and italian 2001)
Le condotte musicali (translated and presented by Luca Marconi and Giovanna Guardabasso).Bolonia, A la Clueb, 1993.
«Il faut être constamment un immigré», entretiens avec Xenakis. Paris, Buchet-Chastel, 1997.
Le «son» des musiques, entre technologie et esthétique. Paris, Buchet-Chastel, 2001 (translated into italian 2010)
La nascita della musica, esplorazioni sonore nella prima infanzia, (con un gruppo di ricerca), Milano,FrancoAngeli, 2009 (translated into french 2015)
Analyser la musique, pourquoi comment? Ina-éditions, 2013.
You can find more infromation on his website: www.francois-delalande.fr